
There for you since 1958!

About the origins of our Schloss-Hotel

It was in January 1958 when Karl and Lisa Hartmann opened the doors of the Schloss-Hotel in Schlossstraße in Herborn for the first time – at that time still on the basis of a lease. The house had 21 hotel rooms. Just six years later, the hotel passed into the ownership of the Hartmann family.

Since then, the hotel has been repeatedly rebuilt, expanded and modernised. Standstill is regression, was the motto of hotel founder Karl Hartmann. And so the popular hotel and restaurant in the city centre was brought up to today’s standards in several stages.

Company founder Karl Hartmann

Some more stations and dates


15. January 1958

Eröffnung des Hotels / Opening of the hotel


18. August 1968

Erweiterung des Hauses um 21 Hotelzimmer / Extension of the house by 21 hotel rooms


25. November 1977

Erwerb des Nebengebäudes sowie Eröffnung der Diskothek “New Orleans” / Acquisition of the annexe and opening of the “New Orleans” discotheque


20. June 1983

Modernisierung der bestehenden Hotelzimmer / Modernisation of the existing hotel rooms


7. April 1984

Hochwasserkatastrophe in Herborn. Das Wasser stand 1,20 m hoch in der Hotelhalle. / Flood disaster in Herborn. The water was 1.20 m high in the hotel lobby.


22. June 1986

Fertigstellung des modernen Erweiterungsbaus mit neuen Hotelzimmern, neuer Fassade entlang der Schlossstraße, neue Park- und Hofflächen. / Completion of the modern extension with new hotel rooms, new façade along Schlossstraße, new parking and courtyard areas.


7. July 1987

Tankerunglück in Herborn / Tanker accident in Herborn


30. March 1995

Firmengründer Karl Hartmann übergibt die Hotelleitung an seine drei Töchter Marlis, Birgith und Sabine. / Company founder Karl Hartmann hands over the hotel management to his three daughters Marlis, Birgith and Sabine.


8. October 1997

Karl Hartmann feiert seinen 90. Geburtstag / Karl Hartmann celebrates his 90th birthday


25. April 2000

Eröffnung der Wellnessetage, bestehend aus Finnischer Sauna, Römischem Dampfbad, Fitness- und Ruhebereich. / Opening of the wellness floor, consisting of a Finnish sauna, Roman steam bath, fitness and relaxation area.


21. January 2013

Wiedereröffnung des Restaurants „Westerwald-Stubb“ / Re-opening of the “Westerwald-Stubb” restaurant


21. November 2014

Aus dem Restaurant „Le Bistro“ wird das „HARTMANNS“ / The restaurant “Le Bistro” becomes “HARTMANNS”


12. February 2016

Erweiterung um 8 Hotelzimmer / Extension by 8 hotel rooms

In the meantime, our Schloss-Hotel has 66 modern single rooms, double rooms and suites, two restaurants and several small and large rooms for meetings and festive occasions.

Newspaper article about our hotel

Click on the image to enlarge or download!

1986: The extension building is completed

2013: Re-opening of the “Westerwald Stubb” restaurant

2014: The restaurant “Le Bistro” becomes “HARTMANNS”

The first small hotel brochure

Example of an old picture postcard

1997: Karl Hartmann celebrates his 90th birthday

House brochure from the 90s